

[SDA 2014] Entries are rolling in quickly – Hurry! Earlier is better than later!

  • Admin
  • 2014-04-09
  • Views 25,772
Entries are rolling in quickly – Hurry! Earlier is better than later!

We are already reaching the fourth month into submission and entries are rolling in very fast. I strongly invite you all to speed up your submission!

What are the benefits of submitting early? Instead of boring you with a long list, let us just give you the highlights: Your dramas become the first choices when promoting entries via Web Magazines - letting the worldwide general public discover new and fun dramas - and your dramas are studied in more depth before being presented to the preliminary selection jurors in June, which increases the chance of nomination and winning an award.

The Organizing Committee gives a lot of importance in making sure no entry goes unnoticed or unappreciated. So if you wish for your drama to earn the full package of benefits that we offer, it’s better to submit them earlier than later!

So start your online submission now! It only takes 15 minutes tops and it’s easy.
1st Step – click!
2nd Step – Upload synopsis, brief biographies, references and photos!
3rd Step – Send us the required audivisual materials
4th Step – Done! 끝! Finito! 既成! Terminé ! נִשׁלָם ! Vollendet ! منجز !

We look forward to hearing from you very soon!